It is not what happens to you, it is what happens in you.
While you are hating to fail don't fear failure.
Do what you do well to excel, I will give you nine hundred and ninety nine(999) chance to fail, pick up something good each time you fall.
I have been running and falling, aiming and missing the right point, whenever I try harder, I see myself failing foreword.
Never you try to cover up or speed it up, do not give it up whenever you fail.
Never you try to lay the blame on some one else or something else, whenever you fail.
It is better you die for something good than to live for nothing, if you imitate, your best will be number two.
If you are trying to be like him who will be you? if you are not you, who will be you?
If you want to be limited just imitate, I better fail being real than to imitate.
If you always do what you 'v always done, you will always get what you've always gotten good or bad.
Each time I try harder, I see myself falling, each time i fall and stand I see myself getting stronger.
If failure were erase from this race, success will have no meaning.
Make it a friend, you will be happy you did....
That you failed doe's t men it is over, it just mean you ignored the right process unknowingly .
If you are the Mister Perfect type (must not fail), you have limitations to how high you can grow in life.
Free your mind and be wild in your thinking, think outside the box because there is no rule on planet Earth that says your thought should be within certain range, circle or pattern..
Stop thinking like the Indian termed Elephant that is grown up, have the strength to pull down a house but still feels like "I have been chained from when i was small and i can do nothing" not knowing at that moment nothing was attached to his legs anymore...
If you try so many things and you fail I am sure of one thing if you keep trying.
..YOU MUST GET ONE THING THAT WILL WORK VERY WELL FOR YOU, and if you get hold of it, do it to with all your might, body and soul...
Learn how God works; Moses parted the Red Sea, Joshua parted River Jordan but God used different ways to do them all. He is flexible, unpredictable and open minded. 
Learn how Joshua thought; When he was about to cross River Jordan,  He did exactly what he saw Moses did when they crossed the Red Sea but it didn't work..it was hard on him because all the children of Israelite were watching, some said "let's see if he has what Moses had". Joshua did not talked him self down, he could have said I am not the right person(because things did not work his way) instead he went up the mountain and God showed him to his first real test of faith by asking him to tell the high priest to work toward the sea. He could have also said "God, this is not the way Moses did it" but because he was open minded he tried the new way and it worked..


       Firstly, it is an error of judgement for one to continue to live any other form of fears rather than the fear of God. I believe this is why the bible will mention the need not to fear 365 times, meaning for each day we are meant to live by faith and free from fear. When man failed in the garden, fear, anxiety and worries became part of his challenge but God has remained the only antidote to the fears of life.
       I once saw an enlargement photograph of a naked 3 month old baby boy and written on it was "NO GIRL, NO MONEY, NO SHAME, NO WORRIES. Meaning that some of the fears and worries in our lives are fears we grew up with and got older. But in all things God wants us to give thanks even when we seem not to understand them. (Thessalonians 5:18 for this is the will of God for us in Christ). In counseling from time to time, i have been privileged to see different ways fear get unto people's lives. For instance the FEAR of WHAT people will say this has led many to more errors and more frustration. In (I Samuel 13:6-14) we see Saul fumbling from error to error just because he wanted to please the people.
In (Matt.6:25-34 do not worry about your life, what to eat, or about your body.... which of you by worrying can add one more day to his/her life?) Meaning by worrying we can only reduce our days, strength and our place in God but seeking His will and doing it can change our situations.
In (Eccl.5:12) ...the sleep of our laborer is sweet weather he eats little or much but the abundance of the rich man permit him no sleep). So please never think just by getting more money will bring you all the peace you need.
In (II Kings 4:1). A poor widow came to the man of God Elisha and told him "Your savant my husband is dead..but now his creditor is coming to take my two boys as his slaves" the man of God replied... "what do you have in your house?" with good counsel and a little step of obedience to godly counsel her situation changed. God can also deliver us from debt by his wisdom.
* THIS TAKES ME TO THE WORRIES AND FEARS WE HAVE OVER OUR CHILDREN: but i feel understanding each child's destiny and praying daily for this destiny to be fulfill beyond being able to provide for the children is much more important than worrying over them. Secondly, training them in the way they should go will really help better than worrying over them (proverb 22:6). And when they grow up, they will not depart from it by his grace. The numerous issues of oaths and wrong covenants that may keep getting themselves can also produce a life of fear but the bible says even the lawful captives can be saved by God. (Isa,49:24-25)
Shall the prey be taken from the mighty or the captives of the righteous be delivered? But thus says the Lord, even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away and the prey of the terrible be delivered: For i will contend with them who contends with you and will save your children.(if we turn to God in repentance).
 The fear from our past mistakes and failures: worrying over things we cannot really change can add noting to our lives and feature except we decide to trust God for his mercy through repentance and grace for solutions.
Medical reports should be for thanking God in prayers, (Philippians 4:6-7)Be anxious of noting but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your request be made know to God and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your heart and mind through Christ. Be also ready to take the necessary medication since (faith without work is dead) God gives miracle at his own time.
* FEAR OVER THE SECURITY OF OUR FEATURE AND THAT OF OUR INVESTMENTS: The feature belongs to God, to keep and handle.In fact, the bible says that all that a man labors for is for another to inherit. (Ecc.2:8-19) then i hated all my labor in which i had toiled under the sun because i most leave it to the man who will come after me. And who knows whether he will be wise or foolish? yet he will rule over all my labor i toiled and in which i have shown myself under the sun (being it in our work or family this is noting but a fact). God have mercy!
the  fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, this is because God's will for man is not for man to depend in himself but for us to depend on him and his wisdom in everything we do. there is no want to those who fear God because pleasing God attracts his peace, glory and favor. Unlike the fear of man that becomes snare(Proverb 29:25). the conclusion of the whole matter today is for us to fear God and keep his commandments for this is man's all since God will (still) bring every work into judgement including every secrets thing whether good or evil (Ecc.12)


1 a speaker
2 a teacher
3 a leader in a contemplative worship
4 one who creates a conducive atmosphere for ministration
5 one who is called to prophesy
6 a priest who offers sacrifices directly to God
7 a music minister is an admonish-er

     Understanding of worship is very important in everything we do, it cannot be over emphasized, because it is discovering, that necessitates recovery. A right that is not known cannot be fought for. Ignorant at any whichever level robs a man of his position and rights. (Hos. 4:6).
     The Israelite spent 430 years in slavery instead of 400 years (Gen. 15:13) because they were ignorant of what God said, hence, when their deliverer Moses was preparing ahead of the time, they implicated him and he had to run for his life for another 40 years, hence, prolonged their time of freedom from slavery.
     The children of Israelite took that which was due for them, because they had understanding of time and season. Likewise a music minister who does not know who he/she is will become the product of his/her environment. The environment detects his or her performance and effectiveness. Ignorant deprives one of his or her human value and dignity. It makes people to define one, therefore predicts and destroys one.
     The tamed lion had so many prayer points, like the goats, before it discovered itself, but after the discovery, its prayer points reduced to two, i.e. the lions prayer “oh God, show me the next prey” and “leave us alone”. Hence a better understanding of our persons as music ministers (Worshipers) facilitates and enhances our effectiveness.
     1-He is a speaker (Eph.5:19, Deut.31:28-30 , II Sam.22.)
He’s graced by God to speak to the people in psalm, hymns and spiritual songs. The fact remains that because of his frequent appearance, he has more contact with the people than just a pulpit pastor, and it’s obvious that people even listen to music more than massages on tapes and cds. The only deference is that this words are in capsules form called melody. When we are short of words we use songs to speak to or talk to God.
    2-He is a teacher (Col.3:16, Deut.31;19-22, II Sam.1:18)
music leaves lasting impressions on the heart of people, hence, information, ideas etc can be imputed into people through music, as a result of the re-occurrence  of statement .Even God uses music to teach his children.
    3-He is an admonish-er
To admonish is to gently er mildly, but firmly warn somebody of something. e.g song like
You cannot hide from God (2x)
You may cover your sins
That nobody could see
But you cannot hide from God,
This song is gentle and mild in nature, but it has been able to pass a firm massage of no secretiveness of sin to someone.
    4-He is a leader in contemplative worship.
To contemplate in worship is to think deep, thoughts about what someone is singing, that is the meaning and implication of the lyrics. It has to do with deep pondering or meditation over what one is saying. The music minister has this duty of talking people into God’s presence with his spirit filled with contemplative worship in accordance to the elide of worship in God’s house (ps.100:4, I cor.14:26).
    5-He is also called to prophesy.
To prophesy means to foretell, to tell forth the word of God is what a music minister does. He can also foretell. Jins  w. Goll sees prophecy as premeditated or spontaneous utterance by speaking, singing or even writing. He however insist that a massage is automatically prophetic only if it’s comes from the heart of Heart of God, magnifies the Lord Jesus Christ and challenges the hearer into greater obedience to God’s command. It should be noted that prophesy is limited to words of mouth alone, but even with musical instrument one prophesy.
    6-He creates conducive spiritual environment (II Kings:3:15, Ps.100:4)
Praises to God brings a man to a level whereby he could commune effectively with God and God could minister for effective communication with divinity. There is a  popular saying that prayer moves mountain,
but praises move God; He inhabits (eats) our praises, then He will in turn feed us with benefits (Ps.23:3).
    7-He is a priest who sacrifices praise (Heb.13:15)
A music minister (worshiper) is one called to offer sacrifices of praise, the fruit of lips to God A music minister(worshiper) is an inner court minister, because he/she ministers to God directly while others minister to God through people, because God accepts your praise, thanks, etc directly and
not through an inter-me-diary. Therefore, a worshiper is in the order of a high priest of old.In summery, looking at the various roles in which the music minister plays, it becomes apparent, that they play more roles in people's lives, hence, in order for the purpose of God in (Eph.4:10-15) not to be defeated this personality with so many components must be balanced, or else, he will breed unbalanced people; i.e affecting peoples lives negatively. A man cannot give what he does not have; and that is why Apostle Paul urges that the mind of God dwells in us richly for better and effective positive impact in peoples lives (Col.3:16).
    As a Music Minister, know it that you are taking the place of Lucifer in heaven, feeding God directly.You need the stamina of an athlete, the discipline of a solder and the patient of a farmer to keep up till the end. you also have to check frequently you pride, your mindset about money and guide your self from immoral act...
The devil will not let you alone because you are a replacement of him and his throne in heaven; hence, you must strive to live in the spirit and not in the flesh...I pray that God who has called you to be a Music Minister will grant you the grace to keep up. Amen.                                                                       
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