"I was blocked up while all my incoming calls where being monitored
for over two hours by the Nigerian military on my way home an hour after the
double explosion in Kaduna Central Nigeria on 23 July 2014", Dan Balat
added "Pull over! a tall dark masked military officer vehemently yelled, I
conformed. open your boot and step aside, I obeyed. After an in-depth search
his commander ordered for my phone, I gave it and they kept me for over two
hours on the checkpoint".
Finally the commander a buirdly average man with a dim voice asked
"why the bushy hair all over your face?" that was when my conscious
interpreted to me the reason for the severe look-up. I immediately reached for
my previous album "BISHARA" in my brief case on the back seat of my
car, picked four copies and gave it to him as an identity and a compliment. He
was numbed with shock and in a muted tune he asked that I pardon His manners. I
chirk up with a smile and told him Job well done, not regret, Jah guide and
protect us from the Babylonians [Boko Haram]. I quickly called my video
producer the CEO. Discman Musicbox Dan narrated.
"Over the phone I asked the top dog of my production continuity crew,
"Do you think it's safe to keep up Dan Balat's visual aspect as a Rasta
with the present security challenge and terrorist threat in the north? she
ascertain "not safe Sir but to be professional if his looks be tampered,
we have to postpone the completion of the ongoing video project
"Matasa" so as not to deviate from the original script" CEO.
Discman Musicbox.
"I was very comfortable with the shooting of his interview proving his
real identity and reggae culture right from His appearance in the motion
pictures" Paul Yakobs [script author and video director].
"Dan is already a dreaded heart for Christ, He is being pestered and cut off on daily bases because of his dark bushy well groomed hair round about his chin by military officers on checkpoints and SSS working hard to curb terrorist amidst civilians. Safety first, we will release his video interview and wait in prayer for calmness in the north and Nigeria wholly" Discman Musicbox added in a meeting with all crew members of the video production early hours of today.
"Dan is already a dreaded heart for Christ, He is being pestered and cut off on daily bases because of his dark bushy well groomed hair round about his chin by military officers on checkpoints and SSS working hard to curb terrorist amidst civilians. Safety first, we will release his video interview and wait in prayer for calmness in the north and Nigeria wholly" Discman Musicbox added in a meeting with all crew members of the video production early hours of today.
in a null shell, for Dan Balat's safety, He will be wearing an abnormal face
[like you and I] until calmness is fully restored...
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